
The tribes of Manipur state in general and the Simte tribe in particular have come to the saving knowledge of Christ after many years of living in darkness and isolation. The killing of Britisher James Winchester and its subsequence kidnapping of Mary Winchester by the Lushai Tribe and  theBritish expedition into the then Lushai Hills (now Mizoram) and the surrounding area had open a new vista into the history of the region. Thus, through this historic eventthe whole region including Southern Manipur had been exposed to the outside civilization. Manipur is a tiny border state of India, bounded by Nagaland, Myanmar, Mizoram and Assam on the North, East, South and West respectively. Its area is 22, 327 sq. k m . out of which 90 % is covered with forest and also there are more than 30 different tribes in Manipur. In the beginning of the 20th century, the gospel was first preached at Senvon Village which is located at the southern most part of Manipur and a handful of men had accepted the good news. Since then, the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached in the region and today the hill people of Manipur are almost hundred percent “Christians”

The Simte people live mainly in the southern part of Manipur. They were head hunters and basically nomadic. They lived in ignorance of the outside world. The gospel was first heard among the Simte as early as 1917 but  its propagation was rather slow. The new faith was not readily excepted by the Simte because they were faithful to their animist worship. Also, the Simte villages were highly organized with the chiefs at the top. The chiefs of the Simte villages did not welcome the new faith, which made the inroad of Christianity into the tribe became slow and rather very difficult. But by the grace of God there was change in the Simte society with the passage of time and there was a good progress in Christianity in the 1940s and a good number of the Simte people started embracing the new faith. So, by 1950, there was a group of believers who came together and form an organization called Simte Christian Association. This association became the torch bearer and gave birth to Simte Christian Baptist Association which was later christened as the New Testament Baptist Churches Association (NTBCA). Simte Christian Association (SCA) and their contact with the Baptist Mid-Mission (BMM) (Assam-India). During the years between the two Great Wars, there were very few believers among the Simte. Even though the adults were indifferent to the gospel yet, the younger generations were more opened and few youngsters began to accept Christ. In 1936 a small fellowship came up at Thanlon village (the largest Simte village during that time). Members of the fellowship shared their faith to unbelievers and slowly the members began to increase in number. So by the end of the World War II there were few Christians sporadically distributed in different Simte villages? And these few christians met at Mongon village, Manipur on 22.03.51 and formed an Association called Simte Christian Association.

The leadership of Simte Christian Association met annually at different villages. They worked and planned for the propagation of gospel among the Simte tribes. By the grace of God, the churches were growing steadily during the early first decade. Among the early Simte believers, there was consciousness for having affiliation with a more biblical mission agency. With that in mind, Henjamang Thangsing, a medical student at Berry White Medical School, Dibrugarh, was assigned to look for mission agency. In 1947 August, he met Mr. K.A. Koireng Singh, a Manipuri evangelist. The latter advised him to got to Alipur and meet missionaries. Having heeded the wise advice, he immediately went to Cachar and he met Rev. James S. Garlow, Superintendent, Baptist Mid-Missions, Assam. Rev. James S. Garlow warmly received the young Simte lad and prayed with him. Both of them had a brief discussion and agreed in principle to work together in the Lord’s vineyard. Henjamang Thangsing returned to Thanlon (his native village) with great joy in his heart. He reported to the Simte believers saying that the Baptist Mid-Mission had opened its door widely for them. The “good news ”gave new hope and new horizon for the Simte believers and they started praying fervently to see a new chapter in their lives. The Lord answered the prayer of His children in His own time. So, 10 years after Henjamang and Garlow prayed together, the latter set out for his maiden trip to Manipur. The visits of BMM missionaries to the Simte Christian s is briefly listed below:-

In the years 1957 Rev. James S. Garlow accompanied by Bro. Tonja Singh visited Tangnuam and Dumsau villages and baptized about 50 believers.

1. In the same year (1957) Rev. James S. Garlow and Rev. Walken visited Thanlon.

2. In the year 1958 (January) Rev. James S. Garlow and Rev. Walken visited again Thanlon, Joutung and Suangpeehmun villages. 

3. In the same year (1958) during the month of February Rev. Walken and Rev. Chunglen Kamei visited Pamjal village and baptized about 40 new believers and also organized a new fundamental Baptist church.

4. Again, in the month of March/April of 1958, Rev. & Mrs. James S. Garlow came and visited Dumsau village. 

As a result of these visits by the BMM missionaries in 1957 and 1958, most of the Simte Christian Churches were organized and the New Testament Baptist Churches was formed during the annual conference at Dumsau village, Manipur. Since 1958, missionaries of BMM started mentoring the infant churches by giving training periodically to the leaders of the New Testament Baptist Churches on doctrines and practices at Makunda, Alipur and Silchar.

New Testament Baptist Churches Association and Its Ministries

Since 1958 the fellowshipping Churches of NTBCA worked hard in training leadership of local churches. Evangelists, Pastors, Deacons and youth leaders were given periodical training by the association leaders. Under the leadership of Rev. H. Thangliankham and Rev. B. Nengzachin, Rev. H. Khaizatong and Rev. H. Hangzakam the Churches were firmly grounded in sound biblical doctrines. Moreover, Bible camps, short term Bible school, evangelistic weeks were also held periodically by the leaders of NTBCA for its members. The Lord also raised up young leader in the person of Rev. H.C. Stephen. Under his leadership the churches started spreading out side the simte community as well as outside southern Manipur. This dynamic leader gave new vision and new hope for the future growth of the association. The Lord greatly blessed the works of His servants and today there are about 60 fellowshipping local churches in NTBCA. There are thirty pastors, seven evangelists, twenty one missionaries and church planters, seven Bible College lecturers, seven compassionate workers and fifteen other supporting staffs.


Having taken the Great Commission seriously NTBCA Churches are also involved in evangelism and mission in different parts of India and the neighboring country of Nepal and Myanmar. NTBCA Churches have sent missionaries to the state of Tripura, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Orissa, and also in Nepal and Myanmar. Three churches are already planted in Nepal; two in Tripura; three in Manipur and one in Orissa.

Christian Literature

NTBCA churches are also involved in translation and printing of christian literatures. New Testament and Psalms (in Simte) was printed in 1975 and the whole Bible was printed in 1993. New translation of the NT and Psalms and Proverbs (in Simte) will be dedicated shortly. NTBCA so far published bout 45 publications in Simte language, out of which 20 books are commentaries on books of the Bible. Others publications are song books, doctrinal books, biographies etc. A journal called“ Hinna Thah” (New Life) also brings education and edification to its readers every month.


NTBCA also run one Bible College at Churachandpur offering Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor in Religious Education and one Vernacular School in Thadou-Kuki language at Indo-Myanmar town of Moreh offering Graduate of Theology Certificate. NTBCA has three Christian High Schools and seven primary schools under its supervision in different parts of Manipur to impart christian education to young generation. Christian values are taught and imparted at these schools and evangelistic weeks are also held frequently.

Compassionate Ministries

There are three Children Homes for the orphans and destitute children in India run by NTBCA in partnership with Baptist Children Home (USA) and one in Kathmandu, Nepal. The women group also run Pregnancy Care and Counseling Centre at Churachandpur, Manipur.


Looking back at the history of NTBCA, we could see God’s faithfulness and kindness in every aspect of our lives. He has blessed us abundantly in all areas of our lives. Therefore, we praise and thank the Almighty God and give glory and honour to Him. Amen.

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